

生产工程师 / Production Engineer

薪酬: 面议
上海 应届毕业生
学历不限 2022-04-19



生产工程师 / Production Engineer

工作职责 / Job Description

1. 建立及维护生产标准,工作方法

Create and maintain production standards and methods

2. 建立及维护生产培训体系

Create and maintain production trainingsystem

3. 改进、审查生产现场5S体系

Develop and audit 5S system

4. 开发及审核TPM体系

Develop and audit TPM system

5. 在生产上开展及运用精益思想

Develop lean knowledge and thinkingwithin production

6. 运用改善工具与生产团队一起发现并解决问题

Use kaizen and work with teams to findsolutions to problems

任职要求 / Job Requirement
1/ 本科或以上学历,工业工程专业者优

Bachelor degree or above; Industry or engineering background is a plus

2/ 乐于学习的态度,快速学习的能力

Great Learning Attitude and fast learning ability
3/ 接受过精益知识及相关工作经验者优先

Lean Knowledge or working background is a plus

4/ 英文口语流利

Good oral English communication

其他/ Others
公司诚招多名初级及中高级别的工程师。实习生,新的毕业生,有经验的工程师均欢迎应征。 公司将会提供相关的精益学习/培训及项目管理实践,根据员工个人能力及发展,提供员工晋升组长或主管/经理助理等职位的机会。
We recruite both junoir and senoir engineer , therefore experienced
engineer / fresh graduate / internship are all welcome.Company will
provide intensive Lean learning / training/ project management , based
on individual growth, have the opportunity to grow to be team leader or
supervisor/ assistant manager of certain operational area.
